Thursday, March 8, 2007

The Road to Success

The road to success is paved with lots of little successes. Maybe a few failures (or more than a few failures) I suppose too.
I have been interested lately in reading sites about people who have been thinking about improving their lives, building better tools and techniques to manage their lives, and building better ideas and habits in the way that they live them.

I guess I have alot of room for improvement. Sigh.
Actually, we all probably do. I don't even know what my goals are necessarily, and I suppose that is a problem. I know some of them, sure. I know that I am shooting for someplace called "better". Someplace called "enough". Someplace more organized. Someplace more complete.
The phrase "So many people don't know where they are going, I don't know how they are ever going to get there" popped into my mind the other day.
The picture or idea of all these little boats sailing aimlessly on the high seas, never really going anywhere. Some of them tooling around in little circles. Some spending so much time looking at other boats and complaining about them, that they never get anywhere. Some looking down into the water at their own boats in rapt narcissistic attention to themselves. Some of them accidently ending up somewhere they didn't want to go. Some accidently getting somewhere they'd like to be. Most drifting aimlessly never getting anywhere. Anyhow - I know I need a compass, a map, a sextant, some GPS, some planning, a route, a course, some course corrections.... for my own self. Little ones. Maybe lots of little ones. Nothing radical. Just a series of small but important improvements over time. No big rush. Just slow and steady improvement. The Japanese call it Kaizen. Continuous Improvement.

I would like to share some blogs/web sites with you - these sites are sites I have stumbled into for one reason or another, meandering myself about my web surfing and finding something compelling and interesting. Happy accidents. And I have felt compelled to read and learn the positive ways the folks at these sites are changing their lives. I am interested in getting more organized and bringing things into focus. I enjoy thinking about new ways that I can build new positive habits. Thinking about ways that I can set some goals. Make a list. Improve things in small and yet meaningful ways. Making some big changes.

Anyhow, here are a couple of "Happy Accidents". Hope you find them interesting too. They fall into the positive-thinking, self-help catagory. But they are chock-full of interesting ideas. Real world, real life people coming up with ways to help themselves and others...

A Software Engineer's Journey to Entreprenuership
I especially enjoyed reading this post about the "Broken Window Theory", about how little bad things left undone can add up to create bigger bad things... I can really relate to this in my own life. Don't ask me about my little kitchen home improvement project gone awry. I have mad carpentry skilz. [Smile].

David Seah's Website/Blog David Seah's Website/Blog & Printable CEO

David Seah's Website/Blog - David is the creator of the Printable CEO (the Concrete Goals Tracker that asks the question - "When is something worth doing?") and other personal productivity, organizational, and motivational tools (The Task Progress Tracker, The Emergent Task Timer, The Task Order Up!, etc) that are available for download for free from his site online. He professionally creates interesting and useful web sites, and has some interesting thoughts too on his blog. Got me thinking about interesting ways to manage my tasks, information, life, etc.

Anyhow - I hope that you find these as interesting as I have.

I am interested myself on finding new ways to build good habits. Break some bad ones. Organize in little ways. Set a few minor and major goals. Etc.

They say that if you do some new behavior every day for a few weeks (I can't remember how many days) it will become a habit for you. The past weekend - maybe the last week or more even I have been so busy that some of my habits (posting, weighing daily) have been interrupted, and it has really bothered me more than I thought it would. I realize these are good habits that help me, keep me on-track, and re-enforce my personal progress.

On the other hand, I was working late unexpectedly some last week (pizza was provided - but no, I didn't indulge, ...I stuck to Diet Coke and a bag of peanuts), had to travel out of town, was running around a bunch and eating out - but kept most all the big things in my life I've been working on, on-track. Ate on-plan. Avoided the bad foods. Kept on keeping on.

So I am happy for the little successes. Continued successes. Positive direction. Positive Thinking. New Good Ideas. Hope you find something good and useful and practical to help you as well...

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