Sunday, June 10, 2007

Tellin' on Myself...

One of the things I have done since I started is occasionally find and save off to my computer the BEFORE, IN PROGRESS, and AFTER pictures of folks on the low carb way of life. I really enjoy reading their stories and seeing the remarkable tranformations people have made in their lives. It keeps me pumped up and motivated. It stokes the fires within and I often marvel at what people have done for themselves.

Sometimes it just simply looks like another person altogether, the change is so great - and you wouldn't even believe it unless or until you see the various pix of in-progress steps the person went through.

I hope one day to have a set of those kind of pix myself. In a couple of years or more maybe. Right now I am making daily progress and trying to stay on track. But seeing so many average Janes and Joes doing so remarkably well at this way of life inspires me. I know it will inspire you too! If you are feeling a little low, take an hour or so and go online to one of the low carb forums. Check out the success stories. Meet some of these awesome people that have conquered huge health issues and who have lost tremendous amounts of weight (and kept it off)!!

Although I am on the fence about the whole Kimkins diet thing, they have lots of low carb success stories on their site. Jimmy Moore features lots of low carbers off his low carb links site. Check those out! In the end, you might just stoke your own fires, and charge your own motivational batteries.

Good luck on your own low carb Journey!! Here's to our LC success!!!

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