Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Heart-Rending Stories: Desperate Overweight People

These are some absolutely heart-wrenching stories about very desperate, very overweight people. I only wish we could have reached some of these with the low carb message before it came to this. It is very sad. Obviously these folks were loved and will be missed. It seems like such a senseless thing to die like this over this kind of problem. Society and doctors make it seem like the risks are so worth taking - risking those lives that are lost to these kinds of extreme surgical techniques.

The half ton mum: Tragic story of world's heaviest woman

Cheryl's Struggle: Cheryl Harvey was obese and desperately wanted to be healthy. She chose to roll the dice on gastric bypass surgery. SHE LOST.
Chapter One: http://www.thespec.com/go/journal/article/289979
Chapter Two: http://www.thespec.com/article/290841
Chapter Three: http://www.thespec.com/Local/article/291220
Chapter Four: http://www.thespec.com/article/291736


OhYeahBabe said...

There are a lot of jerks who will capitalize on exactly this desperation.

Considering the Kimkins diet? Read this first: Kimkins Diet Scam Update.

Kimkins members may join the Kimkins lawsuit! Here is a video that explains how easy it is to join the Kimkins lawsuit.

viagra online said...

I think that since we are aware that food, besides keep us alive, can also kill us. People who is suffering overweight must find support to start a new way of living