Monday, December 31, 2007

Are *YOU* Making Low Carb New Years Resolutions?

I thought it would be a great idea to post a quick link to those just starting out - making new years resolutions for 2008 to begin eating (or resume) the low carb way of life.

You too can be successful, lose weight, feel better and achieve better health by simply changing WHAT YOU EAT!

The great thing about low carb is that it is a way of life where you can lose weight and still EAT! In fact, if you are hungry on this diet you are NOT EATING ENOUGH, and YOU NEED TO EAT!!! And if you are having intense cravings, you are definitely not getting enough FAT IN YOUR DIET!!! When I began this diet at 410 lbs, I was eating 4500 calories a day and losing weight like crazy!! While that is not the case anymore, I still eat till I am content and full (No White-Knuckle, test of willpower here) and I am not feeling deprived or like I am doing without.

And you can eat practically all you want (or all you can stand) of tasteful foods like meat (steaks, chicken, tuna, salmon, burgers, pork chops, ham, bacon, etc). And you get to eat NUTRITIOUS MEALS full of low glycemic VEGGIES like broccolli, green beans, calliflower, asparagus, etc!!!

How to do this and be successful:

1.) Pick a low carb plan that is right for you. Research them and pick one. I prefer Atkins, but there are South Beach, Protien Power, Carbohydrate Addicts Diet, the Zone, Primitive Diets, etc. to choose from. Read the books. Follow the plan to the letter.

2.) Carefully track everything you stick in your mouth. Especially at first. You need to not "wing it" but to "know it" as far as carb counts go, and permitted foods in the phase of whatever low carb eating plan you are on.

3.) Get committed. Tell people. Announce it. Make it official. Stick with it.

4.) Get support and information from one of the low carb forums. Join. Start a journal. Post often. Make friends. Get to know folks there going through the same things you are. Get to know the seasoned veterans who have been successful over many years! Start a low carb blog. Get accountable. Some folks blog everything they eat and do (activity wise) on a daily basis.

5.) Read and understand all you can about this way of life. Lots of information is online.

6.) Focus on what you CAN EAT, not on what you cannot. Find some of the tons of low carb recipies out there in the forums and in cookbooks and on the Internet. Try new things. Learn how to eat and survive in any setting. You can eat low carb in almost any restaurant or situation if you are determined to!!

7.) Make sure you get into ketosis and through your initial period on the new lifestyle - as it takes a week or two or three to make changes in your body. Be prepared to get through it. You body may have to switch from fueling itself from dietary sugars to other metabolic processes and there is a certain period for that changeover to take place (as fuels are depleted in stored muscle cells and in the liver).

8.) Talk to your doctor if you have any concerns. Low carb probably isn't the best for developing little babies and little kids, pregnant women, and folks with certain health problems (like liver problems, certain diabetes conditions need to be carefully managed, etc). See a doctor if you are not sure and ensure that you are not putting your health at risk. This isn't a scary or seriously risky proposition for most folks, but one size does not fit all, and proper medical/health advice is probably recommended for some folks in certain situations!!

I am not a doctor and do not even pretend to play one on TV. I am enthusiastic about this way of life as I believe it is the way to eat best without endangering your health (compared to the heavy sugar laden typical western diet) if it is done right, and if necessary, with medical supervision.

Follow many of the links on this page and you will learn lots to help you be successful. One thing about this way of eating is that it is a technique that I believe *CAN* enable you to be successful over the long haul (compared to most other diets and ways of eating). Of course, if you get off this way of eating and go back to going face-down in the ice cream, sugary drinks, and donuts - don't be surprised if you Blurrrp! right back up to where you started, or even above that weight!!


OhYeahBabe said...

That's a great list! Thanks so much for posting it.

So far the only resolution I've come up with is resolving not to get scammed by online scammers. I've learned a lot in the past few months - question everything!

Considering the Kimkins diet? Read this first: Kimkins Diet Scam Update.

Kimkins members may join the Kimkins lawsuit! Here is a video that explains how easy it is to join the Kimkins lawsuit.

Scale Mistress said...

This is all great advice.At this time of year when we are all thinking about some new leaf to turn over, finding that one THING can make the difference.

Make 2008 your low carb year!

. said...

Great post :)