Sunday, November 11, 2007

Minor Victory - 19" Collar

A tiny report of some minor victories. Probably doesn't mean alot to anybody else, but I am now in a 19" collared Oxford style shirt, without the blood flow being constricted to my brain or the life being choked out of me. This is something that I tried but was impossible a number of weeks ago (not too long ago).

My weight loss has slowed a bit the past weeks, but I am still losing down to lower and lower levels (new lows). Last low was 305 lbs. My weight is still fluctuating up and down by 5 or sometimes 10 pounds. I have been working on reducing portion sizes - staying on the same low carb track that got me here otherwise. Meat and eggs and low carb veggies and some few nuts and cheeses here and there.

It's nice to celebrate all the little landmarks as I reach them and pass them by on this low carb journey! This one was kinda neat! At my highest weight last year I was wearing a size 22 inch collar, which now hangs way down around my neck in almost comical fashion.

My waist size has also been slowly and continually declining as well. That's also nice to see!


Some interesting articles and blog posts to point you to:

Required Reading: Dr. Eades Responds to reports of a study indicating low carb diets cause higher inflamation. Links to an excellent study by Jeff Volek and others.

Jack Lalane vs. Ancel Keys (Timely reading if you are reading Good Calories, Bad Calories) features a great video link to a younger Jack Lalane talking about sugar and it's impact on health ("sugarholics").

Wishing you all the best on *YOUR* low carb journey!!

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