Friday, November 23, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Turkey-Day to all of my low carb friends and acquaintences online!! I hope that your Thanksgiving holiday was fun, full of good food and good times with friends and family!

This year we did turkey at our house. Our oldest son came home to be with us, and so our immediate family was all together, and that was nice.

We typically go out to see family or to a restaurant, but this year was different. I wasn't worried as my wife knows enough about cooking to pull as through, but then she got sick and it was all on me (EEeeek!). The latest cold/flu bug has hit our house and several have got a cold and are laid low now. I got the flu shot this year and an anxious to see if any of the immunity I was hoping for will be there for me this year. This is the first year I have ever done that either.

I am not a chef or cook and have never carved (let alone cooked) a turkey! In the end, I made a turkey, half a ham, asparagus cassarole, asparagus, green beans, creamed corn, cranberry sauce, yeast rolls, yam/sweet potatoes (both low carb and another sweet potato casarole that was definitely high carb), etc., and it all turned out great according to reports from the family. I of course only ate the low carb fare, but it was enjoyable, I ate till I was full, and it was a huge relief that I was able to even do it. My wife gave me pointers at critical points, and thanks to the Lord for our many blessings and the dinner working out after all!!

This morning, I checked the scale and I was another pound down, on down to 303.6 lbs. Ye 'Ol belt is about to get another notch or two in it soon as well. That is awsomely excellent! I was grinning ear to ear this morning as I got off the scale. :)

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