Sunday, August 19, 2007

The Stone-Age Diet

While I am not on the "Stone Age" or Paleo Diet, this diet encompasses many ideas that are part of various low carb diet programs. Basically it is sticking to eating low carb and "natural" types of food. It is about avoiding all the "Frankenfoods" (man-made, often high carb, processed foods that don't exist in nature - hydrogenated, chemically treated, enriched, enhanced, etc, foods) is another common theme.

There is so much artificial junk we stick down our gullet. Trans-fats (hydrogenated this and that). Artificial sweeteners and High Fructose Corn Syrups and other sugary stuff. Processed meats and cheese. Chemical cardboard high sugar cereals. Artificial flavors and artificial colors. Preservatives and chemicals of all kinds. MSG. Sulfates. Nitrites and Nitrates. Animal hormones. Pesticides. ARGH! Certainly no self respecting primitive would bother to eat junk like this!

Anyhow, you can find an interesting article about several online blog posts and articles regarding the "stoneage" diet here:

I would think that any low carber who is serious about their health and nutrition, and about learning the low carb way of life ought to read and learn all they can about it. And even when something isn't your bag (say in learning about bodybuilding, or advanced nutritional science or studies, etc) you can still read and learn something of value. I would assume that you are obviously this kind of interested and "highly evolved" person yourself, since you have found your way here!
"Eat the watermelon, spit out the seeds", a wise man once said. So with that as my point of view I think I can read about all kinds of aspects of diet, nutrition and excercise and learn something. Probably no one has a complete corner on the 100% of "the truth" in this area.
While I am personally interested in continuing to follow the Atkins plan myself (now and in the immediate future - "Dance with the one that brung ya"), for the long-haul I am reading about a vareity of low-carb diets and alternatives that will hopefully help me be successful in the long run.
I want to know about South Beach and Protien Power and the Carbohydrates Addicts Diet. I want to understand the science behind metabolism and ketosis and nutrition and excercise. And while a PSP (Protien Sparing Fast) is not for me right now, maybe someday I'll try it as an alternative for a very short period of time, just to shake things up a little. While Carb Cycling or CKD isn't something I am doing now either, it is something I am interested in a little, and have noticed some folks are having great results on - going carb up and then carb down at intervals. Maybe I will try that if my losses stall out at some point for too long, and carb control and or carb/calorie control isn't getting it. The body does adapt, and it may be important to change just to keep things cookin at some point.

I think that by reading alot I can learn about the many ideas, tools, techniques that are available, I can learn more about this bod I live in, and how I can be more healthy and happy in the long run. Eventually I may even get to the point where I am working out again and excercising. Right now I am simply trying to continue with moderate (but increasing) levels of activity to ease into a more healthy and active life.

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