Tuesday, September 18, 2007

How Many Benefits of Eating Low Carb Can You Come Up With?

I thought it would be great to try to list as many as we could, together. Post into the comments and I will compile a master list and then will repost the list in its entirety when it gets big enough. List any references, sources, attributions, etc.

I'll get things started....

1.) Lose Weight (And lose it faster, better, longer, easier than low calorie and other methods)
2.) OK, I took the easy one. : ) Now it's your turn....


Anonymous said...

3) Type II diabetes will not likely be a problem if you keep your carbohydrates at a very low level, thus reducing the chances heart disease will eventually creep up on you--and yes, I'm one of those folk who believes that heart disease is actually not a disease but a symptom of poor blood sugar/insulin control.

Anonymous said...

I have fewer migraines and more energy now that I am low carbing!

Alcinda (Cindy) Moore said...

Less reflux!!

And I agree with Adam!

Unknown said...

Have more energy.

Break my addiction to sugar.

Anonymous said...

I'd have to say my best benefit from lowcarbing is the fact that my diabetes stays under control!

Anonymous said...

No longer feeling obsessed by food! Lack of hunger and forgetting to eat sometimes! The low carb WOL is the only one that has given me a sense of control...and the ability to look at food as fuel.