Saturday, October 13, 2007

Reminiscing: 2006 - 2007 (This Time Last Year To Now)

Main Entry: rem·i·nisce
Pronunciation: \ˌre-mə-ˈnis\
Function: intransitive verb
Inflected Form(s): rem·i·nisced; rem·i·nisc·ing
Etymology: back-formation from reminiscence
Date: 1829
: to indulge in reminiscence synonyms see remember
— rem·i·nis·cer \-ˈni-sər\ noun

Well, I am spending a little time thinking about the past year. I've been offline, still lowcarbin it, but not lollygagging. Lots of work, home, church, family issues, etc. Been meaning to write, but have been literally too busy to post lately. Which is a gigantic bummer as I get alot of buzz and energy and encouragement and strength from focussing my thoughts here and sharing in a larger low carb community online.

So anyhow, back to my reminiscing...

Last year this time: Let's see. I was around or over 410 lbs. Fat. Disgustingly fat. About ill with overweight in so many ways. Last year around this time I had met several low carbers and started researching it online for the first time, seriously. A guy at work lost alot in a hurry. I was intruiged. Then, I met a low carb practicing doctor who kept the weight off for ten years eating this way - a real success story! I found Jimmy Moore's LivinLavidaLowCarb site, and that was an epiphany. I was about to get a call from my bro, telling me he had lost about 80 lbs on low carb any day now... :smile: ...launching me into an Atkins style "If my brother can do this, I can too!" Diet. Which is now the way I hope to eat for the rest of my life.

So what has transpired over the last year?

100+ lbs down!

No more Antacids (Alka Seltzer and Prilosec/Prevacid/Nexium)

No more GERD

Went from a size 60 & 62 waist on my pants to somewhere closer to a 52 inch waist today

My neck now hangs inside the collar-hole of my old 22-inch neck shirts amazingly inches smaller

I am more active than I've been in many slothful recent years

My blood pressure is down

I am sick less this year than the year before, in fact, for a number of years really!

No more blood sugar and insulin spikes (getting really dopey and tired after eating, and shaky and light headed before eating) - having to get an emergency candy bar just to keep my blood sugar from crashing at times

I've made lot's of tremendous and inspiring low carb friends online!

I feel great! I really believe I can eat and live this way for a lifetime of success!!!!

Others are now asking me how I have done it, and are curious. Several have started low carbin it themselves too!!! THAT IS REALLY AWESOME! TO FIND SOMETHING SO WONDERFUL AND POSITIVE AND TO BE ABLE TO HELP OTHERS BE HEALTHIER AND HAPPIER!!!

Aint life grand? Aint it wonderful?!! I can't wait to hit November 1st - my one year aniversary of starting this way of life is almost here! I can't wait to go another few months and be under 300 pounds forever!!! That will be so awesome! And I can hardly wait to lose my way through the 200's to get even closer to my goal weight - wherever that really is (someplace sustainable, healthy, and comfortable). Perhaps under 200 lbs! THAT WOULD BE AWESOME!

Anyhow, it's all in the Lord God's hands anyway. But I am thankful to God and PRAISE HIM for giving me this life, for creating me, for blessing me beyond measure, for forgiving me of sin, and for leading me from an unhealthy situation to one where I can be more healthy, active, useful in His service, and possibly here for my wife and kids over the long-haul! Lord Willing!

1 comment:

Scale Mistress said...

Congratulations on your success. Looks like it's been a great year for you. You have a lot to be proud of. Keep up the good work!