I know everybody is different. Most of us all have different beliefs and different levels of faith. I suppose that this is a pretty normal thing. Some folks have really no faith at all, or their faith and belief is in the things they can understand and get their arms around mentally.
Over time I have come to the conclusion that there are some things that I cannot get my arms around mentally. Take time for example. My brain tells me there had to be a beginning of time. It could not have always existed. It is impossible. Yet my brain also asks me that if there is a beginning of time, then what happened just before that? A second before? A minute before? Days before? Eons Before? An eternity before? It works the same way if we go to the end of time, if you believe there is an end. What happens just after that? And eons after that? And an infinite eternity after that?
Wow! Am I stupid or what? I cannot even comprehend time.
If that wasn't bad enough I cannot even comprehend space. If I were to shoot off rocket ships loaded with unlimited fuel, and ultimate speed towards opposite ends of everything, my brain says there should be an end to everything. And yet, what is on the other side of that end? A few inches further? An infinite amount of space further?
Wow, I am dumb and just getting dumber, I guess, ...the more I think about it.
Well, what does the bible say about these kinds of things?
Isaiah 55:8-10
For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” says the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts. Wow, the creator of the Heavens and the earth and all that is in it says that I cannot even comprehend it all. That's a fact.
So how do I know what happened in time and space? Is there a beginning? Is there an end to it?
Yep. God said so.
Right in Genesis. First chapter.
"In the beginning God created..."
OK. So there was a beginning.
He also says that there is an end.
In fact, he claims to be the Alpha and Omega - the beginning and the end.
That's all I need to know. There's a beginning cause He said so. There's also an end. Cause He said so. He wanted me to know. So He shared it with me and you in His Word.
I always hear really smart folks explaining all the science and BILLIONS of years, and the BIG BANG and all that. But in the end they are left with just as many answers as I am, probably more. Cause even their brain tells them the same as mine. That there had to be a beginning, yet there couldn't be. That there has to be an end to space, yet their couldn't be. They say that the BIG BANG began with an event called a singularity, where all the mass in the universe was compressed into a tiny speck at the first moment and exploded outward in some evolutionary explosion that eased its way over billions of years to everything we know as our world today. Now tell me, is it easier to believe that, cause some scientist told you so... or to believe in a creator God? It seems just as easy or just as hard to me. In fact, it might even be more difficult to believe in a BIG BANG that came from a tiny point of nothing, not having any real way to explain time or space or anything really.
I see in the world around me, not CHAOS, but ORDER. I see a CREATOR. I see created things and animals and people - people that are "fearfully and wonderfully" made. Consider the order and organization of the human body. It requires much more faith to believe anarchy and happenstance developed all this. In fact it flies in the face of every law of science.
I have learned about CAUSE and EFFECT. I have learned about ENTROPY, MUTATIONS, and other interesting things we can observe about the world around us.
I know that when there are paintings there is a painter, even if I have never met the person.
No painting has spontaneously appeared on a spontaneous canvas without a painter. Not really.
Why am I getting into all of this? Well, a comment on another low carb blog really prompted my need to express all of this. This is what I believe with all my heart, and mind, and soul, and life.
I look to the Bible and the literal Word of God. Inspired. 100% True. You can bet your life on it. In fact, you have to.
I believe it is accurate down to the
very tense of a word used in the Bible (AM versus WAS)! Jesus demonstrated this is so in demonstrating to the Sadducees that there is a ressurrection from the dead from scripture in stating:
Matthew 22:31-33
But concerning the resurrection of the dead, have you not read what was spoken to you by God, saying, ‘I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob’? God is not the God of the dead, but of the living.” And when the multitudes heard this, they were astonished at His teaching.Jesus demonstrated that the very tense of a word used is something we can base our doctrine and understanding on. That it is THAT ACCURATE!
So I can derive all kinds of information about how to live my life, the meaning and purpose of life, and how to live it by God's Word. It is powerful. It is accurate. It is full of science, full of truth, and full of Goodness.
I have faith in that, and it requires less faith than any evolutionary theory, big bang, or so-called science. And I can learn from it all kinds of things about most every aspect of my life from it. It is there in a way I can understand it.
When man still thought the earth was flat, God Said...
Isaiah 40:22 "
It is He who sits above the circle of the earth"
When we did not even practice modern medicine and anesthesia God said...
Genesis 2:21 "
And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam, and he slept; and He took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh in its place."
Before we knew about shipping lanes in the seas God said they were there...
Psalms 8:8 "
And the fish of the sea that pass through the paths of the seas."
There are many many many more scientific principles described over and over again in the Bible. True science. Real Science. Gods unerring Word.
I don't expect you to drop all your beliefs in all the science this world has to offer. But either the Bible is what it claims to be, or it is not. Either God did all described in the Bible, or He didn't. Either this life has a plan and meaning, or it doesn't. I subscribe to what God said. And when I cannot understand, I know it is because God's thoughts are higher than my own. As they should be.
The other day I heard that in just one tiny area of space we are aware that there are billions of stars. Trillions of stars. Numbers beyond your minds ability to comprehend in just the breadth of it. Certainly we can understand and appreciate there are limits to our understanding at the most micro and macro levels.
If you are open-minded, and intelligent, you ought to for some certain reasonable time, seriously consider that there may just be an intelligent, powerful creator of all of this creation. Read the Bible. Carefully. Give some pause to consider things that may be the most important things of all for you to know and understand.