Monday, July 9, 2007

My Bro Throws Down the Low Carb Gauntlet

One of my many brothers was one of the impetuses for me starting the low carb way of eating. He and I have been large fellers all our adult lives. Big Boned Hosses. Anyhow, one day he calls me and tells me he has lost 80 lbs on low carb! I couldn't believe it. We had just met a number of months earlier at another brothers house and we were both something other than lean and trim!

Anyhow, that did it for me! I decided at that moment to go on the "If my brother can do this, I can too!" Diet.

Anyhow it was a real hoot to find that he had gotten off his DIET and was back to being a BIG GIANT DONUT EATER! He regained about 30 lbs or more. All the while I was in decline, losing the blubber I had built up so carefully over the years. Then the day came where I sailed past his current weight and left him in my dust!

Since then I have taken aim at my own Dear Ol' Dad, who is next in line on the scale of Chubbiest in the family. Well, just as I relish passing Dad, guess who is back into ketosis BIG TIME, and is closing on my current weight??!!!

Yep - You guessed it. Nothing like a little sibling rivalry!!!

So tonight my bro and I were talking about how we would drop the next pounds as we are fairly close (by his report, though there has been no independant confirmation of this as an actual fact - and the veracity of which is something brought somewhat into question by others in the family).

"Well..., I think I will get a haircut", he said. "I've got alot of Hair... Maybe Six Pounds or so worth!"

"I think I might just donate a kidney or a lung or even a leg... After all I have a spare....!"

"I am planning on shaving my back hair tonight... probably several pounds right there!!"

Anyhow... and so it went! I envision my bro shaved to the nubs, sans eyebrows and hair everywhere, just to lose a few measley ounces - all in the name of shameless victory in sibling rivalry!!!

OK, Donut Eater.... BRING IT ON!!!!


Jennifer said...

You had me laughing out loud here! Six pounds of hair?!??! What a duo y'all must be!!

Amy Dungan said...

So funny! Go get 'em!