Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Atkins Diet & Low Carbohydrate Weight-Loss Support

This is another tremendous site chock full of regular folks doing the best they can to simply diet and lose a few pounds or turn to the low carb lifestyle for good. The people there are outstanding and there are plenty of skinny folks there that have lost 300, 200, 100, or so pounds and kept the weight off. So many continue to give back to the people who have supported them, and "pay forward" in helping newcomers to this life, way of eating, and site.

This site is full of low carb and related news, support groups and forums, user journals, Q&A, nutrional information, low carb diet comparisons, photo galleries (before/during/after), and much, much more. And did I mention, it is FREE??!! - No Cost, Nix, Nyet, Nada, ...Zip, Zero, Nothing!

I have found this another excellent source of information and a wonderful support resource for low carbers (new and old). You will find a supportive community of very nice people here! Also HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!

Web Links:

Main Site:

Support Forums:


Suzanne Johnson said...

Great start to your blog--congratulations on the weight loss. I look forward to following you on your journey (and having some fun too!).

OnlineChristian said...

Thanks Suzique! I have been lurking out there in Internet space reading your blog and others and I really enjoy the great way low carbers have embraced and share the ups & downs of low carb living, and support one another!

I have a zillion questions - and I am learning day by day thanks to others out there like you & me.

I appreciate your stopping by and saying hello! I too appreciate all you are doing and appreciate all the help and encouragement those like you give to "rookies" like me.
