Tuesday, May 29, 2007

PJ's Divine Low Carb Mania!

You absolutely need to check out the low carb blog mania and web linkage posted here:

What an awesome idea!! Break out your favorite web browser and add this site to your favorites! It's a great place to search for excellent low carb blog links! I personally really enjoy following links to other low carbers sites and then even following the links off of those sites. It is amazing and I have ended up (in my six degrees of seperation) surfing the Internet clear to the other side of the world reading about fellow low carbers and related health and nutrition blogs and sites - all interested in the same things I am!

One thing I personally find interesting and rewarding is reading about the success others have had. Reading about their strategies! Seeing their BEFORE, IN-PROGRESS, and AFTER photos. Reading about their stories. About their struggles! About all the ups and downs (even stalls, gains, etc). Also about the research being done! The ideas being shared!

And don't forget to add another long standing and also awesome low carb link list blogsite to your favorites - Jimmy Moore's Low Carb Links!!!!(http://lowcarblinks.blogspot.com/)

Following and reading the thoughts, interests and progress of others on their low carb journeys is very inspiring to me and is educational and charges my own low carb motivational batteries!! I really enjoy everytime I can read about another person with great recipes, stories of making it through various struggles, launching back after failure, learning of new tools and gadgets and sites to help, etc.

Anyhow this is all part of that bigger picture I blogged about in a prior posting below (The whole is greater than the sum of the parts). And while on my own low carb journey and while dealing with my own personal health and life, I am also sharing something in common with so many others all over the globe! I am cheering them on in their victories! I am hoping for them! Sometimes I can help them, manytimes they help me!

PJ & Jimmy - Thanks!!!!
And Thanks to my many low carb friends!

1 comment:

Jimmy Moore said...

You are VERY welcome, my friend! Stay strong doing what you know you should and success can't help but come your way. I'm VERY proud of you!